March 3 Sermon: The Vision of the Son of Man

11 months ago

As we finish Revelation chapter one, we focus on the vision of Jesus as the Son of Man, a sight so glorious and powerful that words can barely do it justice. Join us as we unpack how these descriptions provide comfort and assurance to believers facing tribulations, reminding us that the sovereignty and majesty of Christ are a source of unwavering confidence.

Consider these questions as you listen to this week’s message from Revelation 1:9-20:
1. How do the divine encounters, as depicted in the Book of Revelation, provide comfort and assurance to believers?
2. Revelation tells us the keys to death and Hades are held by Jesus. How does this imagery impact your understanding of Christ's victory over evil?
3. Why is a written Word from God important? How does the authority and sufficiency Scripture provide comfort for Christians facing trials and tribulations?

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