MSNBC: 'Rural Cult Will Vote For Their Craziness If Not Stopped' --Chris Matthews

1 year ago

“I’m a young person, if I’m a Black person, if I’m out in the streets and I don’t trust the cops, I got to vote that way. And if I have a woman, I want to protect myself in my own decisions. I’ve got to vote that way,” Matthews said.

"I think voters have got to take their hand in this election and don’t wait for the government to do it. Because, you know this election is going to be close. And it’s going to be very close in places like Pennsylvania, and you’re gonna have rural people out there voting their craziness about the cult."

It is an election year. Shall we welcome back BLM now or later? Is the racial fearmongering set to begin yet? I guess the last time that mess occurred was in March 2020. So we probably have a couple more months until all that dramarama starts.

I don't think unhinged leftists can go 10 minutes without going on deceitful racial rants or talking about abortion. It is almost like that is the only way they can get oxygen.

We all know the left thrives through psychological projection. They often describe or blame those on the right for things they say and do. So when Matthews used the phrase "mentally unsound cultists" he was subconsciously describing himself. The left tends to attribute its character traits and flaws to those they are trying to attack. That is nothing new. It is how they alter the public perception of its very few viewers.

Full Article Louder With Crowder:


It's Not About The Left Or The Right, But What Is Right And What Is WRONG!


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