Americans CAN'T Believe What China Built Now!

1 year ago

Video: Americans CAN'T Believe What China Built Now! 美國人無法相信中國現在建造的東西!

China is dominating the future of solar energy. But it's not just solar, it's hydro, wind, and nuclear energy as well. China has become the indisputable leader in renewable energy and it's going to become the first major country to become carbon neutral and pave a way forward for a more sustainable life on earth. This is everything you need to know about China's solar energy projects. 中國正在主導太陽能的未來。 但這不僅僅是太陽能,還有水能、風能和核能。 中國已成為再生能源領域無可爭議的領導者,並將成為第一個實現碳中和的大國,為地球上更永續的生活鋪路。 這是您需要了解的有關中國太陽能專案的一切.

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