MSNBC sells me on Trump on accident

7 months ago

MSNBC does not seem to realize that their fear-mongering is selling me on a second Trump administration even harder.
-Donald Trump will weaponize the department of justice. Retribution. He will direct the DOJ to go after every Marxist prosecutor in America. He told a crowd at CPAC that his election would be judgment day for his enemies. (The ones who framed him for treason via Russia Gate collusion hoax).
-Disinformation (Independent journalists not beholden to corporate media) will wipe our the remnants of US Journalism (Mainstream Media).
-If Donald Trump is President again he will roll back all of the progress by the Biden administration on "Climate Change." He plans to drill baby drill.
-On immigration, Trump vows to launch the largest (illegal immigrant) deportation operation in American history.
-Trump plans to crack down on crime by sending the National Guard in cities.
-You can bet Donald Trump will re evaluate America's position in NATO or abandon the "alliance" altogether.
-In his second term, Trump will have a much more focused agenda on retaliation against his adversaries.
-Donald Trump is our President again. Take him at his word when he says the quiet parts out loud.
MSNBC fails to understand the populace's yearning for a very visible justice to occur.
Their so-called fear mongering is not effective in the least.

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