Noah's Ark: The New Evidence ~ Trey Smith! [Part two]

1 year ago

Noah's Ark: The New Evidence ~ Trey Smith! [Part one]
Noah's Ark: The New Evidence

The search for Noah's Ark is a great mystery of our age. Infact, many have lost their lives in the hunt for Noah's Ark.

This film is dedicated to the many men and women who have played a role in the furtherance of the search for Noah's Ark.

This film covers what is known as the "Durupınar site" which is believed by many to be the remains of Noah's Ark.

The Durupınar site is located near the village of Üzengili in eastern Anatolia or Turkey.

Noah's Ark: To watch more films on these subjects, please visit God in a Nutshell:

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If you are interested in a tour or the "Durupınar site" (Noah's Ark site) please visit:

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A special dedication to the memory of American archaeologist Ron Wyatt who spent the last years of his life searching for Noah's Ark.

May God Bless all of you,

Trey Smith, God in a Nutshell project

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