The Five Pillars - Tribe - Surround Yourself With Winners To Become One - Accountability Day PList

9 months ago

A difficult and uncomfortable yet completely necessary step on your journey to becoming a positive impact on everyone you come in contact with.

My printed paper example in the video for those with trouble reading it Please see Below -- (Character is fictional and created as an example but does resemble individuals who commonly exist in society) --

** Individuals Name - Ben

** Relationship/Title/Where or How Did You Meet - Friend/Coworker/ Met at work

** Length of time know - 2 years

** Most Regularly Talked About Subjects (and who brings them up) **

~ Who's disputing with who and about what at the workplace *Ben*

~ How to self improve and get a better job *Me*

~ Stocks/Crypto/Investments *Me*

~ Who won/stats of sport event on tv last night *Ben*

~ The latest fight with their girlfriend *Ben*

** Most Regularly Participated in Activities **

~ Talking on the phone about the same crap as work *Ben*

~ Drinking alcohol watching sport events *Ben*

~ Actually playing basketball *Me*

~ Playing video games *Mutual*

~ Other gym/social activities *Me*

Check out my other playlists as well as Accountability Day in its entirety -

Exercising/Gaming/Exercising while gaming -

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