Dna mutation/side effects! Grow & Eat Carrots. 2 blocks coming in they wont win! Saving account.

11 months ago

Daily Read 3/2/24
wish fulfillment foR the devine union
comet spotting
devine masculine and devine feminine will be able to see through deception protecting each other
someone is trying to send a block to the devine union you have been trained in handling this situation.
increase in value..
Green light guardian angels are protecting you at this time
(movie the matrix) the agents...
News of pregnancy for others/ a new project or addition to what you are already working on
Coping methods: stretching, pick up litter, help others, skip, jumprope, plant, bake,
Health:digestion issues, bloatness/gas/its spreading!...dna mutatation
was a slowdown now it moving!
Joyful energy...(bridge is gapped)
car issues...(good news!)better!
March 3 2024
Masculine energy/devine masculine is picking up and catching on! mastering technique (sprouting)
Important comment you will need to be looking out for
someone likes to get dirty?
pregnant with twins(news) two dogs...
Double time...
tickets! joyride..get ready! upside down be careful. vehicle small group!
milk? ingredients..
hats! yellow hate
New hair color small groups dark to blonde..., new pets(dog)
right ingredients...carrots & benefits
plant some carrots create a recipe... help heart health etc
Names susie or starts with s, skip
astrology: bear constellation
help clean up pollution even if its one thing (spiritually and physically)
Bunnies/rabbits will be a sign...

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