Episode 25: The Time of Jacob’s Trouble: Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

10 months ago

Originally aired 3/2/24. LAST week I discussed the Biden Administration’s plan, in cahoots WITH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, to UNILATERALLY Declare and recognize a PALESTINIAN STATE in GAZA, and JUDEA-SAMARIA, which the world arrogantly calls “The West Bank.”
Even people who DO NOT believe in the Bible, or RECOGNIZE the ABUNDANT PROPHECIES concerning God’s FUTURE PLANS for the NATION of Israel and His Chosen People, SHOULD AT LEAST UNDERSTAND THE HISTORY of Israel’s Rebirth in their ancient homeland.
And so I will review some of that history for listeners who may have missed it before. You can get even MORE DETAILS by listening to my Season 2 Episode 11 show from November title: ISRAEL: WE ARE FOR PEACE, THEY ARE FOR WAR.

Here is a review, with a brief history of Israel’s recent rebirth, as PROPHESIED.

Key topics: Ottoman Empire, Balfour Declaration, British Mandate, Arab Nations Allotted, but Promise to Israel withheld until World War 2 brought the Holocaust of 6 million European Jews.

UN Resolution 181 to create Jewish National Homeland in "Palestine," Which is not an Arabic word. 1948 Israel declares Statehood, Immediately attacked, Armistice of 1949, then 1967 Attack of Israel, and expansion of territory in process of self-defense, annexing Judea and Samaria, called by world "West Bank." and unifying Jerusalem.

In a previous episode, we looked at all the Old Testament Prophecies concerning Israel’s future during the end-times events. We discovered these specific prophecies outlined in the books of Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Joel, and frankly most other Old Testament books, known in Judaism as the TENACH, which stands for: the Torah, Navi, and Cotevim or in English: The Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.

It’s the same collection of books, and so Christians and Jews both regard the TENACH or Old Testament as God’s Holy and Inspired Word.
And through these Old Testament Writings, we identified descriptions about Israel’s future that we will ALSO FIND in the NEW TESTAMENT Prophecies.

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

Season Watch airs Saturdays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego: https://kprz.com/radioshow/season-watch-with-wendy-scott
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