The Legacy Fleet

1 year ago

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Santa Fe’s Raton Subdivision Model Railroad places a high value on the history of the Santa Fe Railway. No other railroad approaches their achievements in all fields of railroad operation, design, and engineering. One way we honor this history is through the Legacy Fleet Program.

The Legacy Fleet focuses on historic steam and diesel locomotives, freight and passenger cars and equipment, MOW equipment, cabooses, named trains such as the Super Chief and California Limited, used by the Santa Fe Railway between 1869 – 1969. To be eligible for inclusion in the Legacy Fleet program the equipment must be designed and built during the first one-hundred-years of the Santa Fe Railway.

On Santa Fe’s Raton Subdivision Model Railroad, the modern era of Santa Fe Railway operations is between the years of 1970 and 1995. Legacy Fleet equipment will be used in the modern era of service of the Santa Fe Railway (1970 – 1995) as if never retired. Therefore, on Santa Fe’s Raton Subdivision Model Railroad you will see steam locomotives working alongside modern diesels.

You will also see vintage passenger trains, such as the California Limited, and other famous name trains, hauling passengers in the modern era. You may even see vintage logos and graphics featured on modern day cars and equipment so keep your eyes open.

Legacy Fleet - Steam Locomotive Roster:
1. 0-6-0 #30.
2. 2-8-0 #840.
3. 2-8-2 #3283.
4. 2-10-4 #3829.
5. 2-10-4 #5000.
6. 4-4-0 #48.
7. 4-6-0 #356.
8. 4-8-4 #2926.
9. 4-8-4 #3751.

Legacy Fleet - Diesel Locomotive Roster:
1. E8A #84
2. E8A #86
3. FTA #100L
4. FTA #100A
5. FTA #100B
6. FTA #100C
7. F3A #16L
8. F3A #16A
9. F3A #202L
10. F3A #202A
11. F3A #202B
12. F3A #202C
13. F3A #202D
14. CF7 #2489.
15. CF7 #2496.
16. CF7 #2649.
17. F3 #16.
18. F7A #37L.
19. F7B #37A.
20. F7B #37B.
21. F7A #37C.
22. F45 #5980.
23. FP45 #92.
24. GP7 #1317.
25. GP7 #2655.
26. GP7 #2692.
27. GP7 #2752.
28. GP20 #1132.
29. GP20 #3167.
30. GP30 #1236
31. GP30 #1274.
32. GP35 #3356.
33. GP35 #3364.
34. NW2 #2353.
35. NW2 #2429.
36. NW2 #2438.
37. PA1 #51L.
38. PB1 #51A.
39. PB1 #51B.
40. RS1 #2395.
41. RS2 #2099.
42. RSD5 #2125.
43. RSD5 #2127.
44. SD24 #4578.
45. SSB1200 #1217.

Legacy Fleet - Doodlebugs
1. M131.
2. M189.

Legacy Fleet – Named Passenger Trains
1. California Limited, 10 cars.
2. Chief, 16 cars.
3. Dulux Special 3 cars
4. Fast Mail, 10 cars.
5. Super Chief, 16 cars.

Legacy Fleet – Freight Cars
1. Box Car #31343
2. Box Car #31440
3. Box Car #520977
4. Box Car #146454
5. Box Car #148477
6. Box Car #149149
7. Box Car #15709
8. Box Car #31698
9. Box Car #8742
10. Center Flow #307173
11. Center Flow #307182
12. Coil Car #91906
13. Cov Hopper #310007
14. Gondola #169875
15. Gondola #716262
16. Helium Car #1019
17. Hopper #180810
18. Hopper #180233
19. Hopper #180854
20. Ice Box #36582
21. Ice Box #10412
22. Ice Box #26084
23. Ice Box #35006
24. Ice Box #35793

Legacy Fleet – Passenger Cars
1. Business Car Topeka
2. Dulux Baggage #21.
3. Dulux Combine #12.
4. Dulux Coach #73.
5. Drover Car #D930.

Legacy Fleet – MOW
1. Big Hook #199792.
2. Dereck Caboose none
3. Jordan Spreader #199238.
4. Kitchen Car #40376.
5. Material Car #200019.
6. Snowplow #199396.
7. Timekeeper #198756.
8. Wheel Derrick #191552.

Legacy Fleet – Cabooses
1. CE1 #999051
2. CE1 #999229
3. Wood Sheathed #999?
4. Wood Sheathed #1301.
5. Wood Sheathed #1382.

Legacy Fleet – Test Equipment
1. Dynamometer Car 29

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