this world tugs on yer conscience until society just lets it go

9 months ago

it does piss me off but it really shouldn't when there's plenty more to be sad about
the more i zoom out i remember that this world is a lie
when lying is a way to get by...
this actually does sound like a flute
this is the human voice sound, my cat is entranced right now watching this video
stay jealous of my refined palate
you don't like jazz, i don't like memes
jazz is whatever they say america was in her hey day
now everything is just gay
not gonna be a bitch about it or anything
the whole point of the Crucifixion is that we can get in even tho we don't deserve it
the identity obsession is the issue
pride is the issue not just sodomy
i never want anyone to feel like shit over sumin that they can't control
everything is now feminized due to the internet
scrolling is the world now yawl

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