Today in History Food Edition March 7, 2024

1 year ago

State Festivals
The WhiskyX
Cincinnati International Wine Festival
Eastern Bison Association Winter Conference
National Coffee Association Annual Convention
20th Annual Red, White & Snow
Annual Fulton Oysterfest
Annual Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show
Feast of St. Perpetua, patron of cattle.
Tunisian Chicken
Tunisian Doughnuts
Tunisian Mint Tea
The Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
Pasta Carbonara
Crown Roast of Pork Day
Crown Roast of Pork with Stuffing
National Cereal Day
Springtime cereal
1849 Luther Burbank was born
Burbank Reserve Baked Potato
Shasta Daisy Uses
Nettle and Shasta Daisy Salad
1885 Kansas bans the driving of Texas cattle across its borders to protect its farmland and stop the spread of disease from Texas cattle ('Texas Fever').
Texas Fever Water Cocktail
1897 Dr. John Kellogg served corn flakes for the first time to his patients at his hospital in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Shredded Wheat Cookies
1914 The Coca Cola Bottler's Association was formed.
Coca Cola Cake
1955 Phyllis Diller made her debut
Pickled Red Onions

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