Does Lucifer’s Reign End |Begin On A Celestial Occurrence |The Great Awakening Is Now In Progress

11 months ago

Isaiah 14:12 is about one Helel ben Shahar, called the King of Babylon in the text. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer.

Isaiah 14:14

Jesus said
Luke 10:18

Lucifer’s reign started as a Solar Flare, Lucifer’s reign ends with a Celestial Event.

The Solar Flare
A Read


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Genesis 14:20

Genesis 14:20 has troubled me for years. I have read every commentary about this verse in which I was able to get my hands-on.

Now, that we are nearing the end of this dispensation, some of these mysteries are coming into sharp relief.

Let’s start here: Genesis 14:18 Hebrew ‘king of righteousness’
Genesis 14:18 Hebrew
‘Melchizedek’ and so throughout the chapter. The supreme Ruler of all the universe; His dominion is all encompassing and everlasting.
That, my dear readers, is God in the flesh.

Theologians would call Melchizedek the pre-incarnate of Jesus Christ.
He is the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness in that day in history.

My issue is; what war were they coming home from?

I can see now, the same war we have been fighting for ages. And even at that, the man of war, the death cult leader, The Worm, Satan will be let out one more time according to Scripture.

And the Worm gets loosed again at the end of 1000 years of peace in which there is no war.

A thousand years of peace, and then the maggot, the worm will be let out again.
By Who, Why, How ?

Revelation 20:7-10
Everywhere I Go There I Am
Everywhere I Go God Is There

Psalm 139:7-12

When God is in you.
You will love people right where they are, and how they are.

Kinda like how God loves us.
I don’t have to like what they are doing.
But love them, I must, because our Heavenly Father Loves Us.

The Wife and I worked among the dregs of our society.

Wife was known, for some time before her retirement.
As a real straight shooter, from the hip no less.
This is the same gal who decked a logger in the Rainer Tavern in Enumclaw Washington.
She took to social services like a duck out of water.

Mahalia Jackson
His Eye On The Sparrow

Jesus Prayed Specifically For You
If you recall in John 17:13-19

In that portion of scripture Jesus prayed for his disciples who were with him. Jesus requested that God the Father would keep his disciples while they were in “the world.”

Then the Christ Consciousness, embodied in the form of Jesus, the eternal one, the light who may shine through you

Then He says something miraculous. He looks down out across the eons of time and begins to make a request to His Heavenly Father (a prayer) for you.

You’ve got to believe if Jesus prayed for you, that’s a pretty powerful request.

So let’s listen in from an engraved recording from over 2,000 years ago.

John 17:20-21
20 “I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who[will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message,

21 that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.

Then Jesus says something else miraculous: “that they may also Be One In Us.”

It almost sounds like an Ecstatic state of mind.
An adjective
A feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful
a person who has mystical experiences.
Similar to running and winning the race.
A feeling of exhalation and joy of attaining your goal.

You and I are in God; right now. Isn’t that a hoot!!! God is indwelling in us.
All that is God is living in us❗️

I proclaim Him to be the great I Am, before all things, He is!

Colossians 1:17

The pre-existence of Christ asserts the existence of Christ prior to his incarnation as Jesus.

One of the relevant Bible passages is John 1:1–18 where, in the Trinitarian (God in three parts) interpretation, Christ is identified with a pre-existent divine hypostasis (substantive reality) called the Logos (Koine Greek for "word").

John 1-18

Then to know all that about the character of Jesus to have him pray for you.
John 17:20-21
20 “I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who[will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message,

21 that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.

Jesus said. “but also for [all] those who[will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message,”.
That’s you and me.

Are you getting the message!!

He didn’t say; do great things in Jesus’ nam.

Although, when you believe and trust in Jesus, you will do great things!

I know, I know, you can’t see it right now; but you will !

You will do great and mighty deeds, not because of you.

Because of Jesus in you.

The World only sees great and high and mighty things, but as God sees these wonderful things, that are done in Jesus’ name in this sin-soaked world.
This is a weighty prayer of a righteous man; Jesus.
A prayer so strong that it echoes down through the halls of time for you to now read.

His words now become LIGHT they resonate, first in your mind, then as the light grows in you, until you hear it in your heart.

And for some of you, this may be the very first time you have ever known somebody with connections, who prayed for you.

But there’s one more thing. He didn’t just pray once for you and then forget about you.

No, no, no, he continues to pray for you and me until this very hour.

It is being reported, the long awaited Gesara-Nesara train is just beyond the next ridge and head’n this way. Soon it will be the right timeline to get on-board.

May God grant you and I wisdom and discernment as we enter into a New Earth experience.

Begin to question; what have I always wanted to do?
But because of the hindrances of LIFE, you were not able to follow that dream. Dream Bigly!

What’s your druthers? What would you druther be doing; rather than what you have been doing⁉️
May we enter into the gates of Gesara -Nesara with thanksgiving on our lips and praises in our throats.

Let us enter in, as showering others with the gifts, we have been so freely given. Something you can give to another to be healed !

Money is not what is needed.
Gold has penetrated everything until the streets are paved with gold.

Money, in third dimension, soothed a conscious but it never quite solved the question.

Psalm 100: 4-5
Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, bless and praise His name.

5 For the Lord is good;
His mercy and lovingkindness are everlasting,
His faithfulness [endures] to all generations.

The Psalmist means you in every line.
Psalms of David
Read by Issac Watts
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Who is the Wisdom of Solomon
Selah: Pause and Think On This

Who Weighs the Souls of Men
Selah: Pause and Think On This

Who Is Above The White Hats

Who will Play the Son of Man

Who is the One Great Arbiter

Who will that Saviour be

As we are hit with multiple truths, like a sledgehammer, which jar our working——thinking paradigm.
How we see the world and how the world views us will change.

How do others see you?
How do you see others; in the new paradigm!

What is the experience teaching you!
People Get Ready


Thank God for His Merciful Gifts to Mankind.

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