Back to the 80s: Unforgettable Commercials of 1985

1 year ago

#80scommercials #80s #tvcommercial #80snostalgia

These are some of my favorite 80's commercials ever. That first one with the Jar-Jar Binks Reese's Pieces commercial is pure gold, baby. He really might be Jar-Jar's inspiration. He's just blubbering gibberish and it's beautiful. What is up with the artistic Nestle Crunch Commercial/Song. Looks like someone went to art school. The best GOYA beans commercial you've ever seen, right here. Keeping with our Star Wars theme, we have a special guest appearance by Lando himself, Billy Dee Williams. And guys, he's doing a little TCB (taking care of business). I hope you enjoy this bit of 1980's nostalgia as much as I do. Stay tuned for more!

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Commercials from our Brand Friends:

-Reese's Pieces "Alien" commercial. An Extraterrestrial or "E.T. Commercial" if you will. But he's not E.T. We ain't payin' for that.
-The Famous Nestle Crunch Bar Romantic Song Commercial
-The Bubblicious "Risky Business" Parody Commercial
-Wendy's Light Menu Commercial
-The Best GOYA commercial you've ever seen
-The Man in the Moon Sprite/ 7-Up Commercial. Is this for both products? Why do they talk about sprite for so long? I really don't understand this one.
-Bill Dee Williams (Lando or "the guy from the Colt45 commercials") is Taking Care of Business in this TCB Hair Care commercial
-Juicy Fruit Song and Sweater Puppies commercial
-Country Time Grandpa, tell me about the good olde days
-Diet Rite Soda Sodium-free at the gym
-Six Flags Great Adventure "Have the time after time of your life". You guys need a better slogan.
-Brainstorm TV Promo (Christopher Walken)
-McDonalds Existential Snow Globe
-Jack LaLanne Gym: That actress just keeps looking right at the camera, it's weird.
-Bon Bon's Ice Cream "Romantic Hands"
-Disney Hilton
-Canada Dry Swing Music at the Dance Hall
-WPIX New York "Twin Towers" Channel Promo...
-ERTL POW-R-TRONS Mad Scientist Commercial
-Kodak Supralife batteries "Why buy a brand name?"
-Shasta Cola 8 for $1.00
-Hanes Anniversary Sale
-Lucky Charms Cereal
-The Great "Today In Music History" Army Computer Recruiting commercial. "The disk does in the disk drive, the army taught me that"
-102 WPIX Radio Station "I'd buy a hair piece" bald man commercial (Don't do it guy, own like like Captain Picard)
-Maybelline Fresh Lash (great colors on this one)
-GE Miser Light Bulbs. I love this commercial.
-BVD "Cowboy" underwear. I have never heard of this company.
-Channel 11 WPIX New York Channel Promos and Bumpers
-Seiko Watch Commercial (there is some music video that used this footage)
-Easy Pickins
-Ronzoni Pasta
-Good Seasons
-Solo Laundry Detergent Cartoon (they love laundry detergent cartoons, no idea why)
-1985 Datsun Nissan Deal-A-Thon (Stanza, Sentra, Maxima)
-OMG The Simpsons Cascade commercial. Is this how Matt Groening picked the name? My sources say yes.
-Purolator Express
-Channel 2 WCBS-TV CBS TV show promos (Dallas, Falcon Crest, Magnum PI)
-appetite destroying Equal commercial. The only thing you should put equal in is a garbage bag.
-Sweet Secrets Toy Commercial
-8.8% GMAC Financing Buick Somerset Commercial
-Rice Krispies Bars Song
-Rainbow Brite toy commercial
-Cabbage Patch Kids Koosas. I'm glad they wrote the name, or I'd have no idea what word they were saying
-Barbie Workout Center
-Personal Best Cosmetic Surgery...Just what you want cheap plastic surgery...

More Amazing 80s Videos:

1985 Saturday Morning Cartoon Commercials:

80s Christmas and Toy Commercials From She-Ra Cartoon Broadcast (1985)

1985 TV Commercials from Country Music Videos (NBC)

80's NBC TV Commercials from Friday Night Videos (Dec. 13th 1985)

Nostalgic 80's Commercials from Miami Vice (Dec 13th, 1985) [WNBC New York]

Friday Night Videos 1985 Moon Zappa and Justine Bateman

"The New Music City USA" 1985 Country Music Christmas Show (Michael Martin Murphey)

1985 "Hit City TV Show" The Best Of Urban Contemporary Music Hosted by Warren Epps (Lost Media)

1985. WPIX Channel 11 New York and Channel 2 WCBS-TV.

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