MIKI KLANN INTERVIEW WITH NINO RODRIGUEZ - Is this the way to take action? Actually not.

1 year ago

MIKI KLANN INTERVIEW WITH NINO RODRIGUEZ : "Maricopa Board of Supervisors RUN INTO THE HIDE After Being Served!!!".

( 4/23/2024 - hi, there is an update. Truth seekers have to be careful with everything. Now there are things concerning Miki Klann and others. Is she a liar ? Look at this :

https://rumble.com/v4qu576-the-michelle-moore-show-apr-22-2024.html )

"Maricopa Board of Supervisors RUN After Being Served!!!"

Maricopa county arizona board of supervisors served Miki Klann legal republic
Courage is contagious folks.. Miki Klann gives Ninoscorner.tv an exclusive interview on what exactly went down with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.. THEY WERE SERVED AND RAN OUT OF THE BUILDING!! Here is a statement from Miki Klann :
"We the People just witnessed as the entire Board of Supervisors in Maricopa county run out of the room and vacated their post!
And we served them anyway!!
We, the body sovereign presented them each with a notice of liability and opportunity to cure. The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means they are each personally liable for $21 million.
If they do not resign in 3 days they will be presented with a Writ of Quo Warranto and a Waiver of Tort.
If they do not rebut these truths and they remain in office we will send them a default judgment and a final bill for payment. We will also be notifying the military and their act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal.
-Miki Klann


Ann Vandersteel

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors just ran out of a public meeting when they were served the following:

My name is Michelle Klann, and I’m here today to put you on public notice and to inform you that you are not our elected officials.

None of you have never signed an oath to the Republic of Arizona.

Instead, you have signed an oath of office to a foreign corporation which means this is an act insurrection.

You do not have a proper bond carrying surety for your actions to we the people.

Due to all the voter fraud, you have never been formally voted in.

Acting as if you have any authority over the people is a direct act of treason.

Today we, the body sovereign are presenting you each a notice of liability and opportunity to cure. The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means you are each personally liable for $21 million. If you do not resign in 3 days you will be presented with a writ quo warrento , an a waiver of tort. If you do not rebut these truths and you remain in office, We will be notifying the military, and your act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal.

I don’t need to tell you the penalties for treason.

We the body sovereign, hereby command you to resign within three days or else face the consequence.

I’m also here today to hand you this jump drive, which contains a 5000 page document notifying you of all the dangers of the Covid vaccine and the poison in the water to name a few.

These are high crimes and acts against humanity. If you cover up high crimes, you will be held guilty for committing acts against humanity.

Therefore I hereby command you to send a public broadcast to every resident in Maricopa county notifying them of these dangers within the next three days or you will be in direct violation and derelict of your supposed of duty, making you even more accountable for your actions.

Notice to agent is notice to principal.
You have been formally served on record.

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