Kensui Swissies Review - Take Your Pull ups to the NEXT LEVEL

11 months ago

Kensui swissies are a product from kensui fitness, makers if the kensui ez vest as well. This product allows for more grips when it comes to your pull ups and chin ups but can also add grip variations to bars, machines and bands. In this kensui swissies review I will be looking at the swissies v1 , the kensui swissies 45 grips and the kensui v2 max grips. This kensui swissies review will look at the benefits of the kensui swissies, what exercises and uses they have and which kensui swissies is best for you.

Affiliates links to kensui swissies Products

Kensui Swissies

Kensui Swissies 45 Grips

Kensui swissies Combo - swissies ands 45 swissies

Kensui Swissies v2 Max

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