Breakthrough JOY

7 months ago

Yes, 🙌 the joy of God just floods in our soul when God does something that we could have never even begun to hope for or imagine. Have you ever had that long season of suffering where life seems like a continual lament? I read this article online and it had some amazing truth about “lament”! Those long dark times of the soul, where hopelessness temps us, and where it seems God is not working at all. But we know that is a lie, that God is always working in the unseen for our good, His godly purposes are always in play in our lives. He is never NOT working on our behalf. But, sometimes as we get tempted by the enemy of our soul, to doubt God, as our enduring patience runs thin, we lament, we pour out our heart in prayer to God.

“We don’t stop crying after birth. It continues because the world is broken. While tears and sorrow are part of our humanity, there is an often-neglected prayer language in the Bible for our travels through a broken world: lament. Lament is not the same as crying, however. It’s different. And it’s uniquely Christian. Lament is the prayer language for God’s people as they live in a world marred by sin. It is how we talk to God about our sorrows as we renew our hope in his sovereign care. To cry is human, but to lament is Christian.”Excerpt From Article

The breakthrough JOY when God has done something incredible is the kind of Joy that we can’t even begin to describe. It comes after we have hoped in the dark for a long time, hoping for God’s miraculous intervention. We hope for God’s healing touch and when that healing timely comes, the light of the Lord God Almighty, floods our darkness with His healing touch, His deliverance and He does something so glorious that we can’t even wrap our minds around it.

How could it be that God loves us so much that He has miraculously intervened on our behalf in such a timely way, in fact the timing is perfect! This Is Our God! Joy explodes and our dark day ends and our lament dead ends! In one moment everything changes and light comes into our dark, hopeless situation, and there is joy unspeakable. God has moved miraculously, and our soul can’t contain the joy! Theses are the moments in life where we enjoy the joy and let it envelope our soul.

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