"Baby Boy Makes Funny Face"

6 years ago

"Babies are such adorable, funny creatures who can really surprise everyone with their amazing sense of humor making everyone laughs out loud! Just take a look at this little fellow in our video! This little baby has just discovered a new facial expression, which amuses his father so much. He somehow learned to transform his innocent baby face with puffy little cheeks into a scary old man face. LOL! We just wonder how he came up with this idea at all! It's well known that babies are very good at imitation, but this kind of face isn't exactly what one would expect from a baby. Maybe he is imitating his granddad or perhaps a blobfish, who knows! But whatever his inspiration may have been, he is doing better than great. We bet this funny baby boy has an excellent comedian career ahead of him. A new Jim Carrey? Well, why not?!"

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