MR. NON-PC - Political Correctness Is Their Religion And The Politicians Are Their Gods

11 months ago

Now if you're a regular viewer of yours truly, then you know that I'm completely against political correctness and the Uniparty that has been dominating our society for decades now.

And the funniest (and most ironic part) of it all is how it's usually the LibTurds (but also Cuckservatives too!) that embrace atheism/agnostic spiritual viewpoints and yet don't realize how they are indeed following a religion....POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!! hahahaha!

And even funnier is how not only is political correctness (that PC-Poop) is their religion , but how the politicians are their GODS!!!! lol

Now if you're like myself, politically homeless and you can't stand the Uniparty and all the constant bickering, scams and psyops...then I'm just telling you what you already probably know.

But I think it's up to the NON-PC population to point out and remind these spiritually bankrupt fools and tools (on both the "left" and "right") how they are indeed practicing their religion, and worshipping their demigods!

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