Perverting The Course Of Justice, Under Common Law.

1 year ago

Law Only. Special Webinar with Adrian & Dean 13-02-2024

Common Law was Invoked in 2001, The Government & Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001.

Common Law is the Law of the Land, it has been since the dawn of time.

Common Law Is Natural Law, Peoples Law, We Hold The POWER, We Hold The Gallows.

Legal is NOT Law. Its a curse a rich mans trick, blind mans trick. it was built for us to Consenting/ Contracting and to keep us busy being a slave believing that all our jobs hold power and now our own egos and opinions believe its law because of the size of our monthly payments and the power we hold in our job positions.

its NO more then just a JOB that we all get told to do otherwise we don't get paid. it doesn't make any of it law. its legal, its written down on paper now we believe it to be true because we choose to act upon what we like to get told to do.. Legal is connected to law they hid it from us because its what keeps the system functioning to keep us paying for it all and having our own time robbed.. We are all born with birth rights and a LAW that protects us from each other and any thieving corporations man choices to hide behind., if everyone knew it, we would not need police judges solicitors and much more jobs... They built the legal frame work based on our own law. Its to keep US trapped in believing you have live and to pay for it all when really your just paying the rich middle man thats making the legal rules up and pays enough money to keep there advertising to keep you in the loop of paying for it all. its all a game.

Legal = All Paper = Birth Certificate = 2x Identities = Name = Free On Water Only = School = Conditioning = Brainwashing = Fiction = Actor = Interview = Job Description = Play Role = Corporations = Dead Speak = Divide = Chess = Infinity Game = Status = Legalisation = Act = Bill Of Rights = Wizard of OZ = Maritime Law = Paper Money = Slave = Entrapment = Fear = Straw-man = Tin Man = Not Law = Illusion = Contracts = Holds No Power = Illegal = No freedom.

Law = Land = Air = Water = Man = Woman = Equal = Balance = No Harm = No Loss = No Injury = No Victim = Decency = Take Responsibility For Own Actions = Know Right From Wrong = Do Not Breach The Peace = No Trespassing = No Conspiring = Making No False Allegations = No Acts = No Perjury = No Concealing Evidence = No Obstructing = No Assisting Others = No Intimidation = No Harassment = No Interfering = No Data Sharing = Freedom = Freedom Of Speech = Lawful = No Obligation to Consent Or To Interfere With Anyone = Lawfully = World Your Oyster = Common Law = Common Sense = Common Knowledge = Common Ground = We Hold The Power = We Hold The Gallows.

Do not use mischief, in your promise's and agreements.

The law is the law.

Just Doing My Job isn't Going To Protect Anyone Under The Law.

Perverting The Course Of Justice.
Under Common Law, It is an offence to conspire, act upon a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to pervert, the course of the public Justice. Some ways where conduct is capable of mounting to this being an offence is by making false allegations, perjury, concealing offences, obstructing, assisting others, failing to prosecute, Interfering with evidence or witnesses and publication of matters calculated to prejudice a fair trail.

Conspire = To Plot = Secret Plan = Collude = Plotting = Trapping = Commit illegal Act = Combine = Cabal = Concur = To Join = Commit Treason = Unlawful

Act = Actor = Acting = Job Description = To Be Told What To Do = Straw-man = Slavery = Legal = Fiction = Theatre = Fool = Not Knowing Whats Right = Controlled = Manipulated.

Conspire :
To plan together in secret to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

👆So When Their Is No Third Party Contract This is What They Are Doing.👆

When We Can Comprehend The Law & How It Works, You Will See Everything Else Is Just Noise For Someone Else To Believe They Hold Authority Over You And Real Nobody Has Any Right To Interfere With You Unless You Consent. You Can Pull Away From Any Contract At Any Time And Steal Keep Your Belongs And More.

Law Gives us our own Independence back, it gives us freedom of choice and if there isn't a victim then you have not broken our law.. the rest is a civil matter and you can choose to pull out when you want. After all once you have pulled out its down to them to provide you evidence of contract.
Under The Law Your innocent Until Proven Guilty.

Anyone Sending You Third Party Letters are illegal Any Further Action Is Liable To Be Perjury.. They Are Trying To Make A contract, So By Doing This They Are👇👀

Conspire :
To plan together in secret to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

👆This Is Perverting The Course Of Justice Under Common Law👆

You Only Win When You Stand In Your Own Power And Use This When You Need To.. You Can Use It For Fear Of a Threat,

For More Information on how to protect yourself.

For other information and to find your own truth.👀

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