7 months ago

1 Peter 3:15 New King James Version
15 But [a]sanctify [b]the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;

There is something very powerful as well as precious about this morning scripture, especially if you would read all of Ezekiel 1, because this is the moment in which God calls a young man to a very important ministry, and what Ezekiel gets to see in this calling, is something I want to see one day. I was especially challenged by the moment in which Ezekiel is not only seeing this powerful vision, but also as Kirsten Holmberg, this morning's devotional writer states, “Ezekiel heard the voice of God calling him to “speak [gods] words to [the Israelites]” (2:7).” Like Isaiah, Daniel, and yes, the apostle John, Ezekiel is being granted a special privilege to be able to see the glory of God, but also being given a precious calling to speak the truth of God's name to a people who have turned their backs on Him and need this warning from God before it's too late.
I think that's why this scripture was so challenging to me, and tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you will challenge you to want to share the truth of Jesus with others. Come join me in this vlog tonight, my friends, and learn how to courageously speak and live your faith in Christ! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I’d like to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and i pray that they will challenge and motivate you to want to speak and live the truth of Jesus in your life to others.

Who’s inviting you to speak into their lives—even if only faintly?

How will you respond?

I pray that you’ll never be afraid to share the good news of Jesus, but to share the good news with respect, gentleness, love, and compassion. Ask God to give you not only the courage, but also the wisdom and the words to speak, and watch how God will work in you. I pray that you’ll live in such a way, where the world will see Christ Jesus in you, so that when they come to you, you’re ready. In particular, I pray that we live lives that honor our Savior so much, that even in the midst of the opposition, hardship, backlash, and yes even the cancel culture that we are facing today at the hands of the ignorant lost, that they will continue to see Christ Jesus in us, and will ultimately want to know Him too. Be a living example of scripture, by speaking and living the truth of Jesus!



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