The Attitude of the Ignorant and Erring Ones towards the Truth ❤️ Jesus' Teaching thru Bertha Dudde

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The Attitude of the Ignorant & Erring Ones towards the Truth

September 8, 1953 - Message 5764 from Jesus through Bertha Dudde

It is a difficult thing to give a light to those erring ones for as long as they are convinced that they are standing in the truth. A wholly ignorant one gladly accepts knowledge offered to him, and if it appears to bring him light, he will express joy. But one who believes to stand in the truth is difficult to convince that his thinking is false, and it is even more difficult to convey other spiritual knowledge to him, because he holds onto the former and is only ready to accept it once he begins to doubt.

Thus you may always find amongst your fellow men those who are without faith entirely, living but a purely worldly life, as well as those who deem themselves believers, who even zealously advocate their faith and yet advocate something that is far from the truth.

The former are the majority, and, due to their complete unbelief, they find themselves in quite a predicament, for they do not seek any connection with their heavenly homeland and their destination, whereas the believers, despite erroneous teachings and opinions, nevertheless occupy themselves with spiritual thoughts, which need only to be directed properly. Frequently they are offered the opportunity to do so, both on earth and in the beyond, yet free will alone determines the direction of their thoughts.

However, the unbelievers shall be offered spiritual knowledge, they shall be encouraged to reflect, the reality of the spiritual world must first be made credible to them, and they may even be won over if spiritual knowledge is presented to them in an intelligent manner. The more someone has distanced himself from the faith of the church, the more difficult it is to explain church teachings to him, even if they correspond to the truth... Yet every man can be touched somewhere, and therefore it takes extensive knowledge to win such people over, ultimately leading to where God can be found...

These people must learn to believe through reflection, then they will attain a profound and living faith, if they are serious about the truth. For their unbelief does not always prove their distance from God... They may also have been pushed into unbelief by misguided teachings which their intellect did not wish to accept, having caused them to reject everything... And it is again their intellect that must help these people to recognize what is right. Only then will they become convinced advocates of the truth, remaining firm in their conviction...

Both heart and mind must be able to accept spiritual thoughts, for the truth, having its origin in God, can withstand any and all intellectual examination, and it does not require mere blind faith... whereas misguided thoughts and doctrines of faith do not stand up to the serious examination of the intellect, which is why blind faith is required for these doctrines, something that is never God's will... He who doubts will get to the truth far more easily than those who do not desire it, believing they already possess it... who make no use of their intellect, instead accepting everything without examining its origin... Amen.

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