Mizpah's Becoming a Father Series Part 19: Today's Forecast calls for The Breeze

11 months ago

The Boiling Point Podcast's own "The Breeze" makes her on camera debut and takes over Mizpah's series at the same time. No one makes an entrance like her. We get her take on being a new mother and the challenges she faced after birth, and today. This could be the best episode of the series so far.


Marcus Frederiksen – Music
Reverbnation Channel: www.reverbnation.com/marcusfrederiksen
The Human Kind: www.facebook.com/thehumankind


The Boiling Point Podcast
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Rumble: www.rumble.com/c/theboilingpointpodcast
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@theboilingpointpodcast
Storefront: www.bonfire.com/store/theboilingpointpodcast
Twitter: @MayhemPres


Mayhem Media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mayhemmediainc
Rumble: www.rumble.com/c/c-1343166
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@mayhemmediainc
Storefront: www.bonfire.com/store/jdedesignz
Twitter: @MayhemPres

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