How to survive a knife attack.mp4

1 year ago

Make sure you watch the whole video for basic self defense tips for knife attacks. My wife and I demo common scenarios and what to do. Many people don’t realize you will likely get cut or wounded in an attack, but you can leave with your life with just a few simple tips.

LISTEN! I know 1 million martial artist are going to flip out and say that slapping blades out of people hands works, and that a wrist lock knife disarm is effective. It's not! I was taught this as well, and I challenge any of them to ACTUALLY take a blade from an ACTUAL adrenaline fueled stabber. The stats don't lie people, nearly ZERO attacks happen in a scenario they train for. NO ONE leaves their arm extended long enough to let you take the blade with a wrist lock. Watch knife attack videos (if you can stomach it) and see how violent and fast they stab. They don't have the attack approach you see in ninja videos, it is under hand gut thrust, or overhand smash thrust. These ninja videos that they promote are so slow and mechanical. What in the H are you going to do when none of your training applies to how an actual attacker moves? No human on earth can react quickly enough to apply a wrist lock at speed, PERIOD. IF you’re lucky enough to have a trained marital artist in your exact discipline attack you the exact way you trained then all that was worth it. But that's not what goes down on the street, your attacker wont care what you trained for. YES martial arts training is very valuable. But most of the knife training is completely unrealistic. This video is for entertainment only and is not training.

We offer many self defense blades that will equip you in the event of an attack.
#shtf #selfdefense #survival

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