Puppy Discovers How To Reach Bottom Of Ice-Cream Pint

7 years ago

It might seems that this naughty dog went through her owner's trash while they were out and ended up in quite the pickle as a result. When her owner got back, they found her with an ice cream cup stuck on his head! Guess that's what happens when you're a bad pup and you go through her owners trash trash!

However, this not only that it is not the case here, but it just so happens that it is this dogs birthday after which she is rewarded or even gifted with an ice cream cup. Her overwhelming happiness has led her to get her head stuck all the way to the bottom of the cup.

However, there was no way that she would let any ice cream what so ever be left in the cup after she was done with it. Her urge to get it all has gotten her into a little bit of a pickle. However, even though her owner is standing just a couple of feet away, has decided to let her find her own way to the solution.

Honu the Newfoundland puppy was celebrating his 14-week birthday by finishing the last of an ice cream pint but couldn't quite reach the bottom. That is until he realized he could let gravity do the work!

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