Article 4684 Video - International Public Notice: QE2 Fraud Continuing By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4684 Video - International Public Notice: QE2 Fraud Continuing - Thursday, February 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Most people in the western world see "QE2" and think of Queen Elizabeth II; now she's gone, but the mammoth fraud named after her, Quantitative Easing 2---- continues.

Quantitative Easing 2 is yet another swindle, as we should expect by now.

Asked exactly ---how is the second round of Quantitative Easing a swindle? We must reply that it is a swindle in exactly the same way as the first round was a swindle --- theft.

That is what we call it when funds go astray, go to a different person or are expended for a different purpose than agreed upon.

Theft is when banks are given huge amounts of capital for investment with the understanding that this new injection of capital is to be used to make new loans, and instead, the banks use the funds to acquire new assets for themselves, or pay their officers seven figure bonuses, without extending any benefit to the public at all.

This is doubly outrageous when you consider that the public is the source of all this largesse and provided the funds in the anticipation of this "investment" being an investment in the economy, not in the banks.

After all, investments in the economy create jobs, fuel additional investments, and kickstart new developments that prime the pump and keep things moving.

Investments in the bank do nothing but pad the salaries of bankers and give other non-institutional investors the wrong idea -- the idea that the bank must have performed wonderfully and is in such good shape on the balance sheets because of their excellent and prudent management.

This could not possibly be further from the truth. Like buying back their own stock to give the impression that the market is lively and that their stocks are desirable investments, QE2 is a final Large Lump of Payola for the bankers at public expense, before the curtain comes down and the stage is swept.

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