Psychoanalizing the Paranormal

10 months ago

Welcome to Episode 16 of The Paranormal Rundown! This episode we head across the pond, and then some! Our special guest is Dutch psychiatrist Dr. Bert, and as JJ puts it, an Esteemed Poetic Soul! Bert is a very kind person who is extremely enjoyable to talk to, and has a very poetic way of describing some of these concepts. Our conversation spans topics including Foreign Accent Syndrome, Possession of Anneliese Michel, Omm Seti, Universal Intelligence / Memory, Hundredth Monkey Effect, Genetic Memory Inheritance, Epigenetics, Hallucinogens for Treatment, Choirs of Angels, The Smiley Face Killers, Murder Cults, DejaVu, and Lucid Dreaming. So please enjoy this deep conversation with Dr. Bert, I know that we did!

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The Paranormal Rundown is a partnership between the hosts David Griffith, JJ Johnson, Father Michael Birdsong, and Vic Hermanson.

Be sure to check out our partner podcasts:

You can find JJ at Southern Demonology,

You can find Vic at Trailer Trash Terrors,

You can find Father Birdsong at, as well as hear his new podcast Ending the Curse at:

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