3/2/2024 American Redux – Back to Nature

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What if America celebrated a Natural Family Month? Let me re-ask that question. You are in a school board meeting or a city council meeting or just talking with a neighbor. How different would that situation be IF our nation was already celebrating a Natural Family Month - our foundational American Tradition? Seriously, would that not make a difference? Of course it would! So what are you waiting for, take that first small step and you might just find yourself in a position where you are actually helping to start turning this nation around.
RE-Dux Hour #2 Northern Exposure
Speaking of bringing back and revisiting, we found last week’s missing guest , Canadian Bill Whatcott and for sure we will have him on this Saturday’s broadcast at 11:00 am EST. Oh, that there be more Bill’s in this world. What a story and what a character.

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