MR-1 Pikal Fixed Blade- Your Perfect Self-Defense Companion.mp4

1 year ago

This is one of my newest blades, the MR – 1.  It's a Pikal style blade and it's nasty.

The MR-1

This Pikal Style blade came to us by way of request from a group Of Marine Raider (MR) Scout Swimmers.

A Pikal is designed to used in the reverse grip with the edge facing your forearm. Although not a traditional style western blade the Pikal is a VERY effective blade for CQB work.

We used a wharncliffe style flat edge to maximize every cut. I selected our famed 'Night' series grip that gives you the ultimate fighters grip. It's slim design is textured and contoured to become part of your hand. The ring placement can't be felt when making a natural clinched fist, this allows you to make a tight fist around the grips while maintaining your hands natural knuckle alignment.

Available for Preorder. Shipping next month.

#shtf #knives #edc #selfdefense #martialarts #ccw #survival #prepping #everydaycarry

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