Are you walking like the bride of Christ?

11 months ago

We are to be walking as a church that is a Bride to Christ, preparing ourselves daily for the wedding feast that comes upon his return.

Are you living a life worthy to be called His bride?

Many of these terms have been greatly tainted by the world we live in. Most men today read those and think they don't apply because of worldly standards of language. Marriage, bride, virgin, harlot are all terms that have been redefined by our society. But as spirit filled believers we must make sure we walk according to the Holy Spirit and Yahwehs truth and word alone. We must seek after the word to define marriage, bride, virgin and harlot so we can see ourselves in the marriage covenant we are with Jesus. Betrothed and waiting for our bridegroom's (Jesus) return where there will be a feast and glory for all eternity.

We are called into Christ into a covenant (marriage) and relationship of love with our savior. When we understand this love and covenant even just a little bit, it seeps into every corner of our life. We flourish in our united life with Christ and the church body. Celebrating life daily in this beautiful relationship we have with Him and each other.

If these ideas are new to you come listen in! If you've been walking in covenant see the revelations as we dive into tons of scripture to let the Lord reconfirm a deeper understanding.

This is revelation of the word and the way God wants us to live I have received over the years bringing me closer to God, walking more like Him and seeing the church through a completely different lens that is not of religion but of the Spirit of Truth that is God’s word.

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