Reupload 5/6/22 The Divine Design of God for Society.

11 months ago

Acts 6:1-7 All of the disciples worked full time in the ministry. Paul was an apostle who worked a secular job as he also did ministry, but he was Not Married or had any children to lead. Thus he had all the time in the world to do both ministry and secular work.
Numbers 18 Talks about the "Levites" being full time in the work of the Tabernacle and to be sustained financially by the tithes and offerings of those they served. They were not to be neglected.
2 Thessalonians 3:10-13 Men were to work and provide. Except the Levites and the Disciples/Pastors. They were to be full time ministers.
Genesis and Titus: Women were to be homemakers, good wives and good mothers. Not abandoning their young ones to go out and work and respecting and submissive to their husband's.
The church was ordained to help the poor, the needy, the orphans and the widows with the money they collected from the congregation.
Not the government. Acts 4:34-37

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