11 months ago

Since Youtube has put my new video on "limited state" I thought i may as well have a go here where speech is less censored, which I hope remains the case.
Even though I mention no specific groups and point out nothing that isnt obvious to anyone with a brain.
I always make music inspired by whatever I happen to be thinking about, and recently, increasingly I see a lot of irritating news and stories about people who may have said something, that some other person or group doesn’t like.
People seem to get thrown under the bus or otherwise denigrated for going against the current accepted narrative given by the media or perhaps other more powerful and nefarious forces.
Microaggression seems to be a phenomenon where people choose to be very upset about minor slights or misunderstandings.
Huge importance is given to a passing comments ,such as “where are you from?” Which used to be a question you would ask a stranger by way of striking up a conversation.
Lots of other nonsense is amplified by fragile insecure people who have issues they want to inflict on the rest of us.
Also the human characteristic of pattern recognition seems to be somewhat taboo, you may notice who is responsible for a certain behaviour, but you better not say it out loud or you become tarred with the “ist” or “phobe” label.
I see things are changing as people become tired of walking on eggshells, so there is still hope !
The Overton window is moving again…it better hurry before we live in Orwells world , or perhaps we already arrived.

I recorded this in the midst of a horrible cold and cough so experimented with some filters and effects more than usual !

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