Military Minute 01 Mar 24

11 months ago

I’m Papa Penguin and this is your Military Minute.

The Army has been struggling with chow halls.

The solution? Kiosks like in an airport.

Because nothing says healthy and low cost like airports.

Here’s my 5 step plan to feed the troops.

Fully staff chow halls. Hire civilians or maybe take a few of those high performers cooking for general officers and turn them loose on the problem.
Create a shuttle system to get folks to/from the chow hall.
Officers from the units served will be at every meal to sample the food.
Alternatively use armorers. If they can tell a company of grunts coming out of the field to get fucked because of a dirty weapon they’re not going to let raw chicken on the serving line.
The nutritionists and dieticians the Army has? Put ‘em to work on menus and cooking methods.
If you want healthier options on base then put healthier options on base. No one forced the Army to make Burger King their unofficial mascot.

This is a basic task the Army has been doing for 200 years and suddenly they can’t figure it out?

Gee, I wonder why retention and recruiting sucks.

And that’s your Military Minute.

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