Live Special 2024 -04- A Special Kind of UFO & Paranormal Show -Come join & Tell us your experiences

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Multistreaming UFO and Paranormal
No Drama Kind of Show - lets get to the BASICs again & Openlines!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
are working ok before continuing.
[00:02:10] (1d) Mic wasnt working.. Mute on headset was pressed somehow
[00:16:00] (1e) Audio Finally Fixed (will edit for podcast so
need to adjust times when do rest of chapters)
[00:27:06] (2) Main Topic Begins - Covering UFO Cowboys, Alien Contactees, Bigfoots..
and more!!
[00:47:00] (3) 8D spaces what are they talking about?
[00:56:00] (4) Bigfoot episodes and topic
[01:00:00] (5) Speed of light is it really the max speed in
the universe and how could it change aliens travelling
vast space if its wrong? Mike King comes on voice!
[01:49:00] (6) Jaspers Bigfoot video request
[01:56:00] (7) Sandman (bigfoot) in the Desert - into the unknown
was very interesting stories and his investigation.. was it real though
was it stage? dont know but watch it and decide!
[02:07:00] (8) Mike King request on Crop Circles and Pauls opinion on it
[03:16:40] (9) 10 Nightmare Alien Abductions - Paul asks which sounds
true compared to his own alien visitations?

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

All Links can be found here to socials and beyond!
our website is listed there
*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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