Israel's 9/11: Inside Job

1 year ago

I am mirroring this video, which was uploaded here by Zionist Onslaught:

I did not take any part in its production, but I think its message is important and I expect that the person that made it would like for it to spread.

Here is the uploader's description:
"Why were the security forces around the Gaza belt disarmed?

Why were Israeli citizens told not to worry about increased tensions on the Gaza border & to go on with their festivities?

Why was the Nova dance festival relocated to the Gaza border 2 days prior?

Israeli, American & Egyptian intel all warned Israel of the Hamas 2 year planned hostage taking operation. They knew- they even had secret security meetings the night before, so why weren't they prepared?

Why was the IDF ordered to stand down for 6 hours?

And lastly, when the IDF finally came - why did they enact 'Mass Hannibal' and kill hundreds of Israelis?

Was this all to give Hamas time to take as many hostages as possible and then to kill as many people as possible- so that they could blame the bloodshed on Hamas & garner international support to cleanse Gaza of its population for a genocidal land grab?"

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