Charming Vintage Asheville Hydraulic Elevator - MHU Cornwell Hall (Mars Hill, NC)

1 year ago

This is a neat and charming little elevator with EPCO Circleline. The COP reminds me of that one Southeastern Westbrook that used to be at Fidelity Prof Building before it got Shitlered HellExcessed in 2021. A neat little elevator, but leveling up is a little rough. This was probably the most risky elevator to film here.

FUN FACT: It's listed as a Southern on the NC Records, even though there is no marking of Southern on this entire cab.

Elevator Brand: Asheville / Southern?
Elevator Model (if identifiable): NA
Elevator Type: Hydraulic
Floors Served: 3
Installed: 1973
Current Controller: NA
Capacity: 2000 lbs
Speed: 125 FPM

Original Fixtures:
Buttons: EPCO Circleline
Floor Indicator: EPCO Circleline Analog

Recorded: 2023
Phone Used: Samsung Galaxy Note20
Chime Sampled by yours truly and edited on Audacity
Video Edited on Clipchamp

NOTE: Stealing my videos without permission is a good way to get your channel taken down. Don't do it.

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