Thomas the Train Exhibit at SDMRM 2024

1 year ago

All Aboard for Adventure with Roaming with Ryan!

Join Ryan on a choo-choo choo-tastic journey to the San Diego Model Railroad Museum! In this episode of Roaming with Ryan, we'll explore incredible miniature train layouts, featuring bustling cities, scenic landscapes, and even a special Thomas the Train exhibit.

Ryan will be amazed by the intricate details of these miniature worlds, learning all about different types of trains and how they work. He'll also get to meet some friendly characters from the Island of Sodor, including Thomas, Percy, and Gordon.

Get ready for train whistles, chugging sounds, and tons of fun!

**Like and subscribe for more Roaming with Ryan adventures!**

#roamingwithryan #sandiegomodelailroadmuseum #thomasthetrain #trains #fun #adventure #kids #family

Ryan is an adult with Autism. He has a hard time leaving the house to participate in community activities. I thought that a way to get him out and into the community would be to start a Youtube channel for him.

He loves watching videos! It’s been fun making these videos and Ryan is enjoying getting out and about and seeing himself on Youtube.

If you enjoy this channel please follow like and share with others, Ryan and I would greatly appreciate it!

Theme Music: Christmas Journey by geoffharvey from Pixabay

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