A Day With Dr. Wallach - Animal Nutrition, Human Diseases, A Lifetime in Healing DWD 3/1/24

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A Day With Dr. Wallach - Animal Nutrition, Human Diseases, A Lifetime in Healing Daily With Doc 3/1/24

Dr. Wallach describes his experiences as a veterinarian and pathologist who identified and addressed nutritional deficiencies causing various diseases in animals and humans. Here are some key points:

Animal Cases:

Liver cancer in bears: Dr. Wallach identified aflatoxin from moldy peanuts as the cause of liver cancer in various bear species. Eliminating moldy peanuts from their diet stopped the epidemic.

Breeding problems in pandas: Dr. Wallach discovered pandas needed a more diverse diet than just bamboo and introduced dog food, leading to successful breeding in zoos.

Heart failure in dolphins and porpoises: Dr. Wallach found that thiaminase in their fish diet caused vitamin B1 deficiency and heart failure. Switching to fish without thiaminase and providing additional thiamin resolved the issue.

Human Cases:

Cystic fibrosis: Dr. Wallach proposed that cystic fibrosis was not solely genetic but also influenced by nutrient deficiencies. They developed a program to address these deficiencies and claims it improved the lifespan of patients. However, he faced resistance from the medical community.

Muscular dystrophy: Similar to cystic fibrosis, Dr. Wallach suggests a link between muscular dystrophy and nutrient deficiencies, potentially reversible with proper supplementation. They faced opposition from the Muscular Dystrophy Association and claim their findings were disregarded.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): Dr. Wallach argues that SIDS is not caused by suffocation but by a heart disease linked to a specific nutrient deficiency. They claim a court ruling mandated this nutrient to be added to baby formula, leading to a significant decrease in SIDS cases.

This video provides much more detail into Dr. Wallach's work and history, and is a must watch for anyone looking to learn more about how to live a longer and healthier life.

Monday - Friday 12PM PST / 1PM MST / 2pm CST / 3PM EST

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