WWE Superstars MR. T unboxing

1 year ago

Today we open MR. T. MR. T comes with a T belt, Gold chains, multiple hands including a left and right pointing hand. A fist with rings and an open hand with rings. The cloths can be removed to reveal hogan colors. The cloths have velcro along the back of the shirt and the pants. They were fairly easy to take off and put back on. His left wrist cuff is split so it can be removed without removing his hand while his right wrist cuff is a solid piece. The likeness in the face is fairly well done. The articulation is what we usually get out of these figures. His shin swivels are much tighter than most of the rest of the figures in this line that I have opened. I missed out on the WWE Eternia MR. T. I was very pleased to receive this figure for Christmas 2023. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching. Take it easy.

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