Rachel Maddow Is So Scared Of The Right And Free Speech She Brings Analyst On To Push Censorship

10 months ago

Well well well, what do you know? Rachel Maddow invited a lawyer on to tell her viewers how it's good to censor SOME people. You know, those evil conservative types. To be fair, we would honestly be more shocked and find this more newsworthy if the legal analyst Maddow brought on defended the First Amendment but since that will NEVER EVER HAPPEN, we suppose we can write about this instead. Especially since it's so easy to mock and ridicule both her and Maddow. Seems Barbara McQuade thinks speech should be limited … we're going to guess she only wants certain speech limited, however. MSNBC analyst says the first amendment makes us vulnerable and calls for “common sense solutions” to fight disinformation. -- “Their” truth? How cutely Orwellian of them.

Babs, it is censorship. It would be different if these 'private actors' used their 'common sense' equally across the board to moderate their platforms, but we've seen time and time again that's just not the case. Law professor ignores First Amendment. The best thing she can do to fight disinformation is to shut her mouth. What they are really saying… https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHiXmc_XYAA92bv?format=jpg&name=small

• More at: Twitchy - Rachel Maddow SO Scared of the Right and Free Speech She Brings Analyst on to Push CENSORSHIP

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