Ep. 29 -Bible Prophecy Updates! 3rd Temple Red Heifer AI Antichrist Alien Rapture - Mondo Gonzales

1 year ago

In this conversation, Mondo Gonzalez, a pastor and expert in biblical #prophecy, discusses the importance and significance of #Bibleprophecy. He explains that prophecy is a strong proof of the Bible's divine inspiration and highlights the accuracy and fulfillment of prophecies related to Jesus' first coming. Mondo also emphasizes the role of prophecy in understanding the current state of the world and the importance of the nation of #israel in biblical prophecy. He further discusses the significance of the #thirdtemple in #endtimes prophecy. The conversation explores different perspectives on #eschatology, focusing on the meanings of 'temple' in the Bible, the dating of the Book of #Revelation, and the destruction of #jerusalem in AD 70. The conversation explores the different views on the rapture and the timing of God's wrath during the seven-year #tribulation period. It highlights the significance of Israel in biblical prophecy and the rise of globalism and digital currency. The possibility of #aliens and their role in the end times is also discussed, along with the co-opting of the alien phenomenon by the #newage movement. The conversation concludes with a focus on the narrative that may unfold after the #rapture. It explores the presence of unclean spirits and worship during the tribulation, the strong delusion and false religious systems that will arise, the impact of the rapture on different countries, the timing of the #markofthebeast #666 the role of AI in end times and the #antichrist. Additionally the conversation discusses the significance of the #redheifer in Jewish tradition and its role in the #3rdtemple. It explores the recent discovery of red heifers and their arrival in Israel. The chapters also delve into the prophetic implications of the temple's rebuilding and the expectations surrounding the #messiah return.

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