Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) & Pelvic Inflammatory Disease & The Superbugs Causing Them

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Urinary Tract Infections are not what they used to be. History has it that decades ago, you’d wake up one morning and it burns when you urinate. You also have some pain in your bladder or your back, you’re running a little fever, so you run to the doctor, you get diagnosed with a UTI, you are given an antibiotic and it’s gone in a few days. Until the next one, but it’s gone in a few days as well. That was yesteryear. That is not the reality we live in today. The present day is much different: you wake up one morning and you are in pain so you head to the doctor, he gives you an antibiotic and it almost goes away but never completely does. Instead for most women now, there are grueling complications, musical chairs and antibiotic use and steroids in hopes to get ahead of the new UTI Superbugs. Medical Medium information has been talking about Superbugs for years. So many women are suffering, I repeat, suffering from bacterial infections wreaking havoc and for many women creating a miserable existence. In today’s show we are exploring the UTI phenomenon and what to do about it.
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