WYT GYS ep 12: Nostradamus Of New Marxism

11 months ago

July 22, 2023

In this one, the guys of white discuss land acknowledgements, woke cheesesteaks, Norm's fortune telling ability, and the new Snow White. Could there be a potential remake of Alex Haley's Roots staring Chris Pratt as an Irish slave? They also dip into the increasing polarization, general breakdown of society, and the latest virtue signaling from Ben and Jerry's. Hooray! Miss Netherlands is a biological man! Oh, and Sniffin' Joe sniffs and nibbles a young child in Finland.

Woke Cheesesteaks
Norm Is The Nostradamus Of New Marxism
Chris Pratt As Kunta Kinte
Rammed Ass
Tate Vs Peterson
This Ice Cream Is Made On Stolen Land

Submit any ideas, criticism, voice memos, videos, etc to wytgys@gmail.com

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