Two Case Studies of Applying RGCC Testing to Aid Cancer Treatments | Interview on 2020-09-01

1 year ago

In these two case studies, you can see how RGCC can improve the cancer treatment effectiveness and outcome. RGCC testing is a type of blood tests, one of the newest and the most advanced diagnostic technologies in cancer detection and treatments. RGCC testing can provide information on what natural substances and conventional drugs work best for your body type and cancer types, so you don't waste time and financial resources on something that does not work for you. RGCC testing can also provide information on what types of chemo drugs work best for your type of cancer, so you don't destroy your immune system without killing cancers cells. RGCC testing is low risk, highly sensitive and most comprehensive testing technology at the current time.
I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Donato on RGCC Testing and its application in cancer treatment protocols. In another video, Dr. Donato introduced RGCC testing, and explain what RGCC testing is capable of and its application in cancer treatment protocols.
In this video, Dr. Donato explained how RGCC testing can help patients and their healthcare professionals formulate the most effective treatment protocols to achieve favorable healing results.
Dr. Donato is a certified Gerson Practitioner and a registered RGCC Practitioner. Over the past decay, Dr. Donato has helped many cancer patients heal with Gerson Therapy.

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