The Comprehensive Guide to Get Rid of Loose, Saggy Skin

11 months ago

In this video, I go over a comprehensive strategy to get rid of loose, saggy skin. For more information read this article:

Root Cause Factors for loose, saggy skin:
1) Poor Nutrition
2) Impaired Nutrient Absorption (Leaky Gut + Low Stomach Acid)
3) High Blood Sugar & Insulin Levels
4) High Stress Hormones
5) High Oxidative Stress & Inflammation

Your Skin = Collagen + Elastin
1) Key Nutrients - protein/amino acids, good fats, polyphenols + antioxidants

2) Growth Hormone + Vascularization
- Strength Training
- Movement
- Low Carb Diet
- Intermittent Fasting
- Good Sleep

3) Using Sun and Red/Infrared
-Daily Sun Exposure
-Red Light Therapy
-Infrared Light Therapy

4) Autophagy:
Intermittent Fasting
3-5 Day Fast

5) Hormetic Stress
Hot/Cold Exposure

Be sure to check out this article for all of this information and more:

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