Popular and Delicious Cheeses in the World!

1 year ago

Cheese, as one of the most popular dairy products in the world, has a long history of human history. There are clues that tie the origin of cheese to about 8,000 BC; When the human ancestors gradually settled and domesticated sheep and goats. The oldest objective archeological evidence speaks of the existence of cheese in 5,500 BC; Findings that link the history of making the first examples of this product to Egypt and the Middle East.

It is said that after Egypt and the Middle East, the art of cheese production moved to the north and areas in ancient Greece and Rome, and with the expansion of cheese making, these areas became the birthplace of many popular cheeses in the world. After the fall of the Roman Empire and the destruction of European trade routes, cheese making became a limited domestic production and a local competition.

This created more diversity in the cheeses produced by different countries, and France, Italy and England, each with 400 to 700 types of cheese, became the leaders in the production of this popular dairy product in the world. Cheeses with different texture, color and appearance, each of which was prepared in a special way, and the type of consumption and shelf life were also different.

The type and fat of milk, the amount of moisture, age (fermentation time), the type of rennet (active agent) and the method of making it are among the most important things that have a direct effect on the texture, flavor and taste of the produced cheese, and each type of cheese It distinguishes it from other types; For example, cheese makers classify each of their cheeses in terms of texture into soft, semi-hard, hard, very hard, and processed or processed cheeses.

In the following article, you will get to know some of the world's cheeses, which are famous and popular all over the world.

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