THE GREAT SETUP: Dr. David Martin –Part I of 2 How & Who pulled off the Covid-19 Plandemic –

1 year ago

Dr. Martin does a good job at explaining things. He has known about the patents for this scamdemic for decades. This was a planned conspiracy.

Why weren't we allowed to question ANYTHING? Because they wanted us all to get the VACCINE.

They have declared WAR on humanity.

In the Spring of 2019, Moderna filed 4 Patent Applications, which had been previously rejected. In those patent applications they made reference to an Accidental or INTENTIONAL release of SARS Coronavirus. *In April of 2019. BEFORE the China Virus.

Why would a company that has NEVER made a commercial product, EVER - Why would a company that has NEVER had any expertise in respiratory pathogens AMMEND Patent Filings that have been previously REJECTED to INCLUDE the language of ACCIDENTAL or INTENTIONAL release of a Respiratory Pathogen IF somebody wasn't already PREPARING to release a Respiratory Pathogen???

Then right before the actual "Plandemic" occurred, you have BOTH the WHO and Event 201 preparing for a release of deadly worldwide pathogen for the WHO and Event 201 was an exact SCRIPT of what happened just ONE month later.

It was PLANNED and the plan was to get people the Vaccine and the Purpose of the Vaccine was an Upgrade like Sabrina Wallace says, so we all can be networked wirelessly - then there is that Depopulation (sudden deaths) and making us live much, much shorter.

Next will come the Self-Spreading Vaccines, which they will probably label a disease and then tell us we need a vaccine for the vaccine, just to guarantee everyone gets their dose or DOUBLE DOSE.

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