Today in History Food Edition March 4, 2024

11 months ago

Saint Casimir
Kaziuko Sirdis
Polish Sugar Cookies
Lemon Polish Sugar Cookies
National School Breakfast Week
Breakfast Pizza with Hash Browns
Hash Brown Stacker
UK British Pie Week 2024
British Game Pie
National Pound Cake Day
Pound Cake #1
Pound Cake #2
1791 Vermont became the 14th state.
Vermont Maple Stout Baked Beans
1792 Oranges were supposedly introduced to Hawaii.
Orange Cake
1837 Chicago was incorporated as a city (population 4,200)
Chicoago-Style Hot Dog
Poppy Seed Hot Dog Buns
1868 Jesse Chisholm died in Oklahoma (born 1805?)
1877 Rutherford B. Hayes is sworn in as 19th president of the U.S
Green Corn Fritters (Old)
Corn Fritters (Updated)
1913 The Weeks-McLean Law became effective
Bacon Wrapped Wild Goose
Swan Cutlets and Gravy
Pacific Brant Fajitas
Tikka Masala Wild Duck
Jalapeno Stuffed Snipe
Dove Empanadas
Wild Flying Game Jerky
Pan Seared PB&J Woodcock
1938 John Galardi was born (died April 13, 2013)
WienerSchnitzel Hot Dog
1971 The Cranberries drummer, Feargal Lawlor, was born today
Cranberry Curd
1994 John Candy died
John Candy Cocktail
2010 In the UK, The Guardian reported that 2.6 million households now have microchips installed in their rubbish bins by local British governments.
Texas Trash

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