Luxury Camping to Bug Out Outside the US? Might want to think about that now ...

11 months ago

Buckle up, get ready for the coming ride. Those who most hate us & want to wipe us out run everything public & private. Satanism, Homosexuality, & Pedophilia are openly taught in public schools. Those the UN & Soros are flooding in are taught all the people there for a few generations are bad & need to be punished for what “we have done to the 3rd World” ... that is BS. The Satanists are going to wipe out anyone who has helped them rip everyone off for the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world w/ 8 Billion or so people being wiped out ... (scroll down for newest posts not pinned) #WBNemesis #Resist #USConstitution #Infowars #AlexJonesWasRight

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