7 months ago

Aid was dropped into Gaza and witnesses say Israel opened fire at them while they were going to get it.

"At least 104 killed and 760 wounded" according to Al Jazeera.
This is a massacre. Crimes against humanity don't get clearer than this.

IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, said "This morning, during an operation to bring humanitarian aid into the northern Gaza Strip, 30 trucks that made their way to the northern Gaza Strip encountered a Palestinian crowd that began to gather around them and loot the equipment on them," said the IDF spokesman in his statement this evening , "You can see in the documentation how the tanks pass near the crowd and do not harm at him. I emphasize - we did not fire at the aid seekers, contrary to the accusations - we did not fire at the humanitarian convoy - neither from the air nor from the ground. We secured it so that it could reach the north of the Gaza Strip."

Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, denounced the events that, according to Hamas, led to the killing of more than 100 Palestinians by Israeli army gunfire during an aid delivery operation in northern Gaza. His spokesman Stephane Dujarric said, "We do not know exactly what happened. But whether these people were killed by Israeli fire, or were crushed by crowds, or were run over by trucks, these are acts of violence that are somehow linked to this conflict," adding that the incident took place in "horrific circumstances."

An Israeli military official told Reuters that two separate incidents occurred as the convoy of trucks passed from southern to northern Gaza along the main coastal road. He added that in the first incident, hundreds of people surrounded the aid trucks, and in a state of confusion, dozens were injured or killed due to the stampede or the trucks running over them.

He stated that the second incident occurred while the trucks were leaving, when some people, who had rushed to the convoy, approached the Israeli forces and a tank opened fire on them. The military official added in a press briefing, “The soldiers fired warning shots in the air and then opened fire on those who posed a threat to them and did not move away... This is what we understand from our point of view. We continue to review the circumstances.”

In turn, an Israeli government spokesman described the deaths of Palestinians while distributing aid near Gaza City as a "tragedy" and said that initial indications indicate that the deaths resulted from aid delivery drivers rushing into the growing crowd. Spokesman Avi Heyman added in statements to reporters, "At some point, (people) had crowded around the trucks and the people driving the trucks, who were civilian drivers from Gaza, rushed into the crowds, which ultimately led to the killing of dozens of people, as I understand it." He continued, "It is clear that it is a tragedy, but we are not sure of the details yet."

Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adraee posted on the “X” platform a video clip from the air that he said documented Palestinians intercepting aid trucks “and looting them, causing dozens of deaths as a result of severe crowding and ramming.”

Türkiye described the events as a "new crime against humanity." The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “Israel has added a new crime to its crimes against humanity.” She added, "The fact that Israel, which condemned the residents of Gaza to starvation, this time targeted innocent civilians standing in queues to receive humanitarian aid, is evidence that (Israel) deliberately intends to destroy the Palestinian people as a whole.

European Union Foreign Policy Commissioner Josep Borrell said in a tweet via X that he was "horrified by the news of another massacre among civilians in Gaza," targeting what he described as "desperate civilians while trying to obtain humanitarian aid." “These deaths are completely unacceptable,” Borrell said, adding that “denying people access to food aid constitutes a serious violation of international humanitarian law.” Borrell called for the necessity of allowing unimpeded humanitarian access for aid to Gaza.

The HAMAS Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza reported that 104 Palestinians had been killedin the “flour massacre” and 760 were injured in the early morning hours of 29 February on Al Rashid Road south of Gaza city, warning that the actual death toll is likely to be higher as medical teams are struggling to handle the situation with limited critical care resources. The incident occurred as thousands of Palestinians reportedly gathered around trucks carrying supplies when they were allegedly hit by artillery shells and gunfire, according to initial media reports. A spokesman for the HAMAS Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed to Al Jazeera that the injuries were concentrated in the upper parts of the body, which indicated deliberate targeting of Palestinian civilians.

Bloggers said that the world today woke up to a new horrific and terrifying Israeli massacre against the Palestinian people in Gaza City, and that hundreds of starving citizens gathered near the Nabulsi roundabout awaiting the arrival of aid trucks before the occupation tanks attacked them with artillery shells and live bullets. They described it as a horrific crime that confirms the determination of the occupation to continue the starvation and genocide against the people of Gaza.

Some observers pointed out that the occupation refuses to bring in aid from the Rafah crossing, and their excuse is so that Hamas does not benefit from it. The truth is that their goal with the airdrop is to cause chaos and fighting among citizens in Gaza and kill the largest number of them by bombing their gatherings while they were waiting for the aid to be dropped, as happened this Thursday morning on Al-Rashid Street.

Followers said that after the Al-Rashid Street massacre, the resistance leadership must “stop all forms of negotiations with the enemy.” As long as death is certain in all circumstances, we must die with courage, not on death rows, as someone described. Bloggers pointed out that the Israeli occupation committed the massacre in front of the eyes of the whole world without fear of accountability, and they wondered how long the global silence, and the Arab ones in particular, will remain regarding Israeli crimes without holding the occupation accountable for the violations and crimes it commits against the people of Palestine and Gaza in particular.

Tweeters also considered that the Rashid Street massacre was considered the occupation's actual response to the International Court of Justice, a month after its decision, and its demand that the Israeli occupation submit a written report on the necessary measures to prevent ethnic cleansing operations in Gaza. The Israeli response came with more mass massacres against civilians in the Strip.

The Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ) said in a statement issued Thursday evening that the occupation army practices “deception and lying about the horrific massacre it committed by passing on a trivial narrative to justify this systematic killing of our people.” It added that the evidence provided by the Ministry of Health, “not the least of which was direct shooting at citizens and their upper limbs for the purpose of immediate killing,” in addition to witness accounts that confirmed that they were exposed to gunfire without any danger to the occupation forces, confirms “the terrorist soldiers’ thirst for killing and committing the most heinous acts.” The violations are due to the protection and cover provided by the administration of US President Biden from any international accountability.”

Director General of the HAMAS Government Information Office, Ismail Al-Thawabta, said that the occupation knew that the victims were arriving in the area to obtain aid, but “killed them in cold blood.” Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir described the occupation soldiers who committed the massacre as heroes, and said that they "acted excellently against the Gazan mob who tried to harm them."

The Israeli military, cited by the media, acknowledged shooting by its troops, and also said that most casualties occurred as a result of congestion and incidents of people being run over by trucks. IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, speaking in English in an evening press conference, says troops fired warning shots in an attempt to disperse a mob of Palestinians rushing an aid convoy in northern Gaza this morning early this morning, as dozens were killed amid a crowd crush.

"This morning the IDF coordinated a convoy of 38 trucks to provide additional humanitarian assistance to the residents of northern Gaza. This humanitarian aid came from Egypt, went through a security screening at the Kerem Shalom humanitarian crossing in Israel, and then entered Gaza, for distribution by private contractors," Hagari says.

"As these vital humanitarian supplies made their way toward Gazans in need, thousands of Gazans [rushed] the trucks, some began violently pushing and trampling other Gazans to death, looting the humanitarian supplies," he says.

Hagari says "the unfortunate incident resulted in dozens of Gazans killed and injured."

"Here are the facts: At a.m. the first aid truck in the humanitarian convoy started making its way through the humanitarian corridor that we were securing. Yes, the IDF was security the humanitarian corridor so that the aid convoy could reach its destination in northern Gaza," he says. "Our tanks were there to secure the humanitarian corridor, for the aid convoy. Our UAVs were there in the air to give our forces a clear picture from above," Hagari continues.

"At a.m., a mob ambushed the aid trucks, bringing the convoy to a halt," he says, showing a new video of the incident. "In this video, the tanks that were there to secure the convoy saw the Gazans being trampled and cautiously tried to disperse the mob with a few warning shots," he says. "When the hundreds became thousands and things got out of hand, the tank commander decided to retreat to avoid harm to the thousands of Gazans that were there," Hagari says.

"You can see how cautious they were when they were backing up. They were backing up securely, risking their own lives, not shooting at the mob," he continues. "The Israel Defense Forces operates according to the rules of engagement and international law. No IDF strike was conducted toward the aid convoy," Hagari says, amid claims by Hamas that 107 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded.

"On the contrary, the IDF was there carrying out a humanitarian aid operation, to secure the humanitarian corridor, and allow the aid convoy to reach its distribution point, so that the humanitarian aid could reach Gazan civilians in the norther who are in need," he says. Hagari says the IDF has been conducting operations of this kind "for the last four nights without any problem, this is the first night we have had any kind of event."

"This humanitarian aid was coordinated by Israel, for the people of Gaza. We want the aid to reach the people of Gaza. We are working around the clock to make this happen. Israel puts no limits on the amount of aid that can go into Gaza," he says. "We are working together with humanitarian organizations and the international community to help them solve the issue of aid distribution inside Gaza, it is a problem," Hagari says.

"We recognize the suffering of the innocent people of Gaza. This is why we are seeking ways to expand our humanitarian efforts, this is why we are conducting humanitarian operations," he continues. "Our war is against Hamas, not against the people of Gaza," Hagari adds.

The image of American pilot Aaron Bushnell, who burned himself in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., continues to preoccupy American and international public opinion, amid the interaction of the social media platforms regarding the raised concerns regarding the participation of American forces in the war on Gaza.

Following the publication of the clip of Bushnell burning himself, dozens of former soldiers gathered in the American city of Portland, burned their military uniforms, and raised a banner reading “Free Palestine.” Hundreds of people and a number of former soldiers also participated in the place where Bushnell burned himself, in a pause of mourning and solidarity with the American pilot who rejected the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

The New York Post newspaper quoted one of Bushnell's close friends as telling him on the night of his death that he had seen secret information indicating that American soldiers were participating in the war on the Gaza Strip and killing large numbers of Palestinians. According to a friend of the American pilot, whose identity the newspaper did not reveal, Bushnell told him that he was serving in the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing of the US Air Force, and was accessing US military intelligence data of the “top secret” category by virtue of having permission to do so.

He revealed that Bushnell spoke to him about American soldiers fighting in the tunnels used by Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, in a position that contradicts what the White House has always asserted that American forces will not participate in the war.

In light of these developments, the Al-Jazeera “Shabakat” program - in its episode dated (2/29/2024) - monitored the interaction of communication platforms with the consequences of the incident of the American pilot burning himself, and the leaked American participation in the war on Gaza. In this context, activist Iman said, “There is no more secret information... Things - unfortunately - have become public... and what Bushnell’s friend said is not new. America is the first partner and complicit in war crimes in Gaza.”

Source: Operation Iron Swords - Day 146 - 28 February 2024

fake jews,synagogue of satan,Israel is Pfizer's genetic lab thanks to Netanyahu,Palestine,war crimes,Gaza massacre,military is Nephilim,doublespeak,photographic evidence

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