IIM -Ahmedabad asks Rajiv Malhotra | is India's AI technology weak ?

1 year ago


In this episode, IIM students and faculty ask Rajiv Malhotra tough questions on Artificial intelligence, the future of consciousness and mankind. They raise burning questions from the book AI and Future of power. Rajiv provides critical insight to IIM faculty and students in the process of providing answers.

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00:00- Introduction
07:29- How is consciousness different from Artificial Intelligence?
15:50- Emergence of superhumans
24:00- Loss of selfhood/agency to AI
28:59- Emergence of new East India Company
40:26- Is India becoming VishwaCoolie?
50:39- Is India too late to assert its civilizational heritage? What is the Indian approach to management/creation of wealth?
54:38- Is AI going to supersede human consciousness?
58:15- What is mindfulness?
1:04:05- How can Indians combat the Breaking India forces at an individual level?

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